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About Kambo
Kambo is a traditional sacred medicine used by many of the tribes of the upper Amazon rainforest. Kambo is a very safe and legal secretion that is collected from the Phyllomedusa Bicolor (Kambo) frog. The frogs are never harmed during this process and are returned to their natural habitat.
Kambo cleanses us of the toxins, negative energies, suppressed emotions, and physical issues that keep us in poor health and out of alignment with our true self. Kambo will give your entire body a deep cleansing and reset, connecting you back to your spirit and higher purpose.
Science of Kambo
Kambo is a natural substance containing peptides that the human body recognizes. Peptides perform a wide range of functions in the body. Italian scientist Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome wrote that this secretion contains a ‘fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian’ (1). ‘Among the several dozen peptides found in kambo, up to 7% are bio-active.’ They bind with receptor sites situated in the brain, triggering chemical reactions in the human body. So far, researchers have found nine bio- active peptides that have a potent effect on the gastrointestinal muscles, gastric and pancreatic secretions, blood circulation, and on the stimulation of the adrenal cortex and pituitary gland.

Rebecca is a Kambo practitioner and a Shamanic Practitioner. She brings her skills from being a Registered Nurse and her training with various other healing modalities including: energy healing, sound healing, crystal healing, and space clearing.
Rebecca first learned about Kambo while she was in Peru working with other sacred plant medicines. She had several Kambo treatments in Peru and experienced deep cleansing and healing. She felt an instant connection to the spirit of Kambo and was drawn to learn all she could about this sacred medicine while she was there.

Treatment FAQ
Kambo treatments offered– Individual and group ceremonies.
If it is your first time working with Kambo, we use the traditional standard treatment below. A test point is also used to monitor your initial reaction and to determine how much Kambo is going to be given (this is a safe practice for your first time taking Kambo).